Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Interview with Post-Hardcore band “When Girls Kiss Girls”(WGKG)

         Formed in 2006, Boston post-hardcore band, “When Girls Kiss Girls” is made up of five guys that all have one thing in common: They love to rock. By this point in their careers, playing live shows and getting into the recording studio are more than normal occurrences for these dudes. With such passion for playing, and the desire to push the envelope in the genres of metal and hardcore rock, it seems that there is no stopping these guys from reaching their goals. Their ‘in your face’ style might get your heart racing and adrenaline pumping, so make sure you adjust your earphones properly before you take a listen. I sat down with two of WGKG’s long time members, Jim Wilbourne (lead singer/songwriter) and Zach Mace (lead guitarist/songwriter), to see if I could get some insight about the band and what the men behind the music were really like.   

Your name seems pretty provocative, where does it come from?

Jim: I wasn't in the band when it was created. But yes, it does seem provocative.

‪Zach: I honestly still don't know this answer.

Tell me a little bit about your guys’ origins. How did you meet the
‪members? How did it all start?

J: I met Zach & Rob through a MySpace want ad. I was searching for a band at the time to sing for. 

‪Z: I met Rob through a mutual friend. Met Rufo in high school and Nick through craigslist classified ;)

It seems like your style is pretty heavy. What are your main influences?

J: I really like polka.

‪Z: I would have to say my main influence comes from Cher.

You guys have a new album in the works; want to tell me a little about that?

J: Our style has shifted since we changed our lineup and our style has evolved with it. We've released 2 EPs in the past and decided to do a full length into the writing process of the follow up EP. We’re excited to share it with everyone. 

‪Z: What he said.

What’s one of your best memories with WGKG?

J: I really like playing music live. Some shows we never talk about again. Ever. But, I enjoy playing live the most. 

‪Z: Probably our first tour.

Is there a show that you’ve played that stands out the most in your mind? Why?

J: I can't say that I have one show.

What is the writing process like?

J: Rise Records writes our music.

‪Z: Usually someone in the band comes up with an idea, shares it, then we all jam on it.

Twitter or Facebook?

J: Google+, duh.


Favorite food to eat after playing a show?

J: Beer.

‪Z: More beer.

Anything else you would like to add?

J: Come out to a show and check us out on Facebook and Twitter

‪Z: Get stoked for our new album. Or else. 

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